Our paper “Privacy Dynamics: Learning Privacy Norms for Social Software” by Gul Calikli, Mark Law, Arosha K. Bandara, Alessandra Russo, Luke Dickens, Blaine A. Price, Avelie Stuart, Mark Levine, and Bashar Nuseibeh has been submitted to 11th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2016).
Our paper “Empirical Analysis of Factors Affecting Confirmation Bias Levels of Software Engineers” by Gul Calikli and Ayse Bener has been published in Software Quality Journal Volume 23, Issue 4, pp 695-722
The book titled "Analyzing Software Data", Christian Bird, Tim Menzies and Thomas Zimmerman (Eds.), has been published by Morgan Kaufman. Our chapter "Software Analytics Patterns In Practice", by Ayse Bener, Ayse Tosun-Misirli, Bora Caglayan, Ekrem Kocaguneli and Gul Calikli is also among the contents of this book.
Our chapter "Software Analytics Patterns In Practice", by Ayse Bener, Ayse Tosun-Misirli, Bora Caglayan, Ekrem Kocaguneli and Gul Calikli has been accepted to be published in the book titled "Analyzing Software Data", Christian Bird, Tim Menzies and Thomas Zimmerman (Eds.), by Morgan Kaufman in 2014.
Our paper “Empirical Analysis of Factors Affecting Confirmation Bias Levels of Software Engineers” by Gul Calikli and Ayse Bener has been accepted for publication in the Software Quality Journal.
Our paper titled “Personal Informatics for Non-Geeks: Lessons Learned from Ordinary People” by Gul Calikli, Mads Schaarup Andersen, Arosha Bandara, Blaine Price and Bashar Nuseibeh has been accepted to the Ubicomp Workshop (Ubicomp 2014). Details about Ubicomp 2014 can be found 苹果免费加速软件
I joined the Open University, Department of Computing, Faculty of Maths, Computing and Technology as a post-doctoral research fellow. As a post doctoral fellow, I will be working on the EPSRC funded "Privacy Dynamics" Project that investigates the aspects of privacy dynamics in collaboration with the ios免费加速器推荐 and the Exeter University. The Open University aims to contribute to Software Engineering for Privacy, by building on the social psychology results from the Exeter University, and "plugging in" or adapting the machine learning capabilities resulting from the Imperial College.
Our paper "Towards a Metric Suite Proposal to Quantify Confirmation Biases of Developers" by Gul Calikli, Ayse Bener, Turgay Aytac and Ovunc Bozcan has been selected by the program chairs of ESEM 2013 as the Best Industry Experience Paper.
CSMR-WCRE 2014 - Software Evolution Week is approaching. Software Evolution Week joins The Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE) with The European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR). Consider submitting!!! Deadlines for paper submissions and all other details about the event can be found here.
Our chapter "Field Studies", by Ayse Tosun-Misirli, Ayse Bener, Bora Caglayan, Gul Calikli and Burak Turhan has been accepted to be published in the book titled "Recommendation Systems in Software Engineering", Martin P. Robillard, Walid Maalej, Robert W. Walker and Thomas Zimmerman (Eds.), by Springer in late 2013 or early 2014.
Our paper titled "Towards a Metric Suite Proposal to Quantify Confirmation Biases of Developers" by Gul Calikli, Ayse Bener, Turgay Aytac and Ovunc Bozcan has been accepted to the 7th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2013), Industry Track. Details about ESEM 2013 can be found here .
Our paper titled “An Algorithmic Approach to Missing Data Problem in Modeling Human Aspects in Software Development” by Gul Calikli and Ayse Bener has been accepted to the 9th International Conference on Predictive Models in Software Engineering (PROMISE 2013). Details about PROMISE 2013 can be found here .
Our non-archival proposal “Evaluating Dione: A Decision Support Tool for Software Development” by Gul Calikli, Bora Caglayan, Ayse Bener, Ayse Tosun, Burak Turhan and Turgay Aytac has been accepted to the USER 2013 Workshop. Details about the USER Workshop can be found here.
Our paper “The Impact of Confirmation Bias on the Release-based Defect Prediction of Developer Groups” by Gul Calikli and Ayse Bener has been accepted to the 25th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE2013). The call for papers and other details can be found here.
I have given an invited talk at York University, Lassonde Building (Dept.of Computer Science and Engineering Building). Slides for the talk titled "Confirmation Bias as a Human Aspect in Software Engineering: Task Assignment and Handling Missing Data" can be found 苹果好用的免费加速器.
I have given an invited talk at Microsoft Research Redmond. Slides for our talk titled "Confirmation Bias as a Human Aspect in Software Engineering" can be found here. You can also find the video of the talk here.
I joined the Mechanical-Industrial Engineering Department of Ryerson University as a post-doctoral fellow in the Data Science Laboratory led by Prof. Ayse Bener.
Our paper “Modeling Human Aspects to Enhance Software Quality Management” by Gul Calikli, Bora Caglayan, Ayse Tosun Misirli and Ayse Bener has been accepted to the 2012 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012). The call for papers and other details can be found here.
Our paper “Dione: An Integrated Measurement and Defect Prediction Solution” by Bora Caglayan, Ayse Tosun Misirli, Gul Calikli, Ayse Bener and Burak Turhan has been accepted to the 20th International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering. The call for papers and other details can be found here.
I successfully defended my dissertation titled “Improving Performance of Defect Predictors Using Confirmation Bias Metrics” and earned my PhD in Computer Science.
Our paper “Influence of Confirmation Biases of Developers on Software Quality” by Gul Calikli and Ayse Bener has been accepted for publication in the Software Quality Journal.
- Empirical software engineering
- Human aspects in software engineering
- Mining Software Repositories
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- G. Calikli and A. Bener, “BND2(百度网盘加速下载软件) v2.0.0 免费安装版 - 脚本之家 ...:2021-7-16 · BND2(百度网盘加速下载软件) v2.0.0 免费安装版 ,BND2是一款可伡替伟速盘,Pandownoad等百度网盘下载器的工具,非常好用 BND2是一款实用的下载工具。这款工具不用登录百度网盘账号就可伡高速下载百度网盘的分享链接,支持下载自己网盘的 ...“, (23)4:695-722, Software Quality Journal, 2015 (electronic access published on 2014)
- G. Calikli and A. Bener, “【苹果驱动下载】苹果驱动 1.0-ZOL软件下载:2021-10-11 · 苹果驱动有32位与64位,32位支持Windows XP、Windows Vista、Windows 7,64位支持Windows Vista、Windows 7,如果你的iphone不能连接电脑的话就可伡下载本款驱动啦,同时也可伡下载itunes,因为itunes安装后会自“, (21)2:377-416, Software Quality Journal, 2013 (electronic access published on 2012)
- Microsoft Research Redmond, "Confirmation Bias as a Human Aspect in Software Engineering", January 16, 2013, Redmond, WA, USA. Download slides and 苹果免费加速软件
- York University, Lassonde Building (Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Building), "Confirmation Bias in Software Engineering: Task Assignment and Handling Missing Data", March 26, 2013, Toronto, ON, Canada. Download slides
- Gebze Institute of Technology, Department of Computer Engineering, "Modeling Human Aspects in Software Engineering", October 3, 2013, Cayirova, Kocaeli, Turkey.
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- G. Calikli, M. Law, A. K. Bandara, A. Russo, L. Dickens, B. A. Price, A. Stuart, M. Levine and B. Nuseibeh “Privacy Dynamics: Learning Privacy Norms for Social Software ”, 11th International Symposium on Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2016), Austin, Texas, USA, May 16-17, 2016 (accepted).
- G. Calikli, M. S. Andersen, B. A. Price, A. K. Bandara and B. Nuseibeh “Personal Informatics for Non-Geeks: Lessons Learned from Ordinary People ”, Ubicomp Adjunct 2014, Seattle, Washington, USA, September 13-17, 2014.
- G. Calikli, A. Bener, T. Aytac and O. Bozcan “Towards a Metric Suite Proposal to Quantify Confirmation Biases of Developers ”, International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2013), Industry Track (ESEM 2013), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, October 10-11, 2013. BEST PAPER AWARD (Best Industry Experience Paper)
- G. Calikli and A. Bener “Analyzing the Effects of Confirmation Bias on Software Development Team Performance: A Field Study during a Hackathon ”, 39th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, Work In Progress Track (SEAA 2013), Santander, Spain, September 4-6, 2013.
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- B. Caglayan, G. Calikli, A. Bener, A. Tosun-Misirli, B. Turhan and T. Aytac “Evaluating Dione: A Decision Support Tool for Software Development ”, 2nd Workshop on User evaluations for Software Engineering Researchers (USER: ICSE 2013 Workshop) (non-archival paper), San Francisco, USA, May, 2013.
- G. Calikli and A. Bener, “The Impact of Confirmation Bias on the Release-based Defect Prediction of Developer Groups”, 25th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2013), Boston, USA, June, 2013.
- G. Calikli, B. Caglayan, A. Tosun Misirli and A. Bener, “Modeling Human Aspects to Enhance Software Quality Management”, 2012 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012), Orlando Florida, USA, December, 2012.
- B. Caglayan, A. Tosun Misirli, G. Calikli, T. Aytac, A. Bener and B. Turhan, “Dione: An Integrated Measurement and Defect Prediction Solution”, 20th International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, Cary, North Carolina, USA, September, 2012.
- G. Calikli, and A. Bener, “Empirical Analyses of the Factors Affecting Confirmation Bias and the Effects of Confirmation Bias on Software Developer/ Tester Performance”, Promise 2010, Tmisoara, Romania, September, 12-13, 2010.
- G. Calikli, and A. Bener, “Preliminary Analysis of the Effects of Confirmation Bias on Software Defect Density”, ESEM 2010, Bozen, Italy, September, 16-17, 2010.
- G. Calikli, B. Arslan and A. Bener, “Confirmation Bias in Software Development and Testing: An Analysis of the Effects of Company Size, Experience and Reasoning Skills”, 22nd Annual Psychology of Programming Interest Group Workshop, 19-21 September 2010.
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- G. Calikli, A. Tosun, A. Bener, and M. Celik, “The Effect of Granularity Level on Software Defect Prediction", Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS 2009), pp. 531-536.
- O. Korcak, G. Calikli, I. Kaya and F. Alagöz, “Performance Evaluation of Adaptive and Static Routing Algorithms and Contention Resolution Techniques in LEO Satellite Constellations”, IEEE Recent Advances in Space Technologies RAST2005, June 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.
- G. Calikli and M. U. Caglayan, “A Formal Policy Specification Language for an 802.11 WLAN with Enhanced Security Network”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3733, Proc. of the 20th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, pp.183-192, Springer-Verlag, 2005.
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- Gul Calikli, “Improving Performance of Defect Predictors Using Confirmation Bias Metrics”, Department of Computer Engineering, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012.
- 2005-2012 PhD, Department of Computer Engineering, Bogazici University
- 2002-2005 MS, Department of Computer Engineering, Bogazici University
- 1996-2000 BS, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bogazici University
Summer Schools
- 2006 Marktoberdorf Summer School on Software System Reliability and Security, August 1-13, Marktoberdorf, Munchen, Germany.
Teaching at Ryerson University (Fall 2012)
- CITM 102: Business Information Systems 1
GRADUATE COURSE (Teaching Assistant)
- MT 8103: Research Methods 1
Assisted Courses at Bogazici University
- ios免费加速器推荐 Introduction to Computing (C)
- CMPE 150: Introduction to Computing (Java)
- CMPE 160: Introduction to Object Oriented Computing
- CMPE 300: Analysis of Algorithms
- CMPE 322: Operating Systems
- CMPE 344: Computer Organization
- CMPE 352: Fundamentals of Software Engineering
- CMPE 450: Software Engineering
- CMPE 451: Project Development in Software Engineering
- CMPE 475: Computer Netwroks
- CMPE 476: Distributed Systems
GRADUATE courses
- CMPE 550: Advanced Topics in Software Engineering
- CMPE 58M: Software Engineering Economics and Risk Management
- CMPE 589: Software Quality Modeling